Doctor Lawhorn

Doctor Lawhorn has been providing services while Dr B is away for us for many years now. He is not replaceable, a family member , and we appreciate you letting the old man leave. He drives us all crazy when he is here too long. Thank you doctor Bruce Lawhorn for giving us and him a break.


We are pleased to announce the addition of this surgical group for the specific purpose of repairing knee issues in dogs( and rarely cats) to aid in the repair of mobility issues with the TPLI system, a perfected system for the repair of anterior cruciate injury in dogs.

Doctor Dosal has already performed several procedures for our practice saving our clients travel expenses, hotel expenses, and time.

Thank you Doctor Dosal for what you have done so far and we look forward to working with you at Ingleside Animal Hospital!

Kissing Beetle

I have a new blog folks and from time to time I have things to share! I have my home sprayed and the office every sixty days. Today I found a dead kissing beetle and if your dog, or my dog ate one of these, they will likely not make it. It is a tough disease! This is a photo of one of the bugs. They also have a shiner surface, I encourage you all to have your premises sprayed routinely.

This bug is extremely dangerous. Please be aware of cases on the increase and protect your pets!

Dr. Wiley is back!

Our favorite ultrasonographer Dr. Wiley from Alamosa Enterprises came in and assisted us today. He did 2 ultrasounds and a biopsy on one of them to help diagnose a couple pets whos’ families are desperate for answers to their pet’s health issues.

Dr. Wiley from Alamosa Enterprises
Dr. Wiley from Alamosa Enterprises

Bon Voyage, Peggy!

After 8 years of unwavering service to our clinic, our sweet Peggy has retired. Many of you knew her as the best kennel tech you could ask for. She took care of and loved many of your pets over the years, and you could always count on her to pay close attention to them an notice anything that was off the mark. We will miss her dearly, but we’re so happy that she gets to take time to herself and travel and do what makes her happy. Please join us in wishing her the very best!

We love you Peggy, we’ll see you around!

Fun Diversions

Every now and then, we get to see something different that keeps us on our toes! This week, we’ve been working with a duck to get her back in tip top shape. Though we’re not specialists in Avian medicine, we have great success with Avian cases, and we hope this one will be no different.

Disease prevention through early spaying.

Often, our practice is far busier than our small town staff can handle, especially when we are surprised by patients with longstanding, preventable issues. This little female dog was only four pounds and presented to us today with a uterine infection, a mammary tumor of her right sided chain, and huge ovarian cysts that must have been chronically painful.

We had to stop everything and take her into emergency surgery . Its hard to believe that this little gal had cyst the size of grapes on her ovaries. She ate within two hours of our getting this mess out, and that was the first meal in over two days. We hope she continues to mend. Please consider spaying your female pets to prevent disease! It is an important step in both saving money and longevity.

Remember that there is an old wives tale that a female dog should go through her first heat cycle before she is spayed. We have known for thirty years that this is not true and is not recommended. Feel free to open and read this one page handout: Let’s avoid having to deal with mammary cancer later in life, save money, and give our patients better odds at a nice, long, pain free life.

An ovarian surgery